Instructor Notes

Lesson design

The lesson is designed to be taught sequentially, so doesn’t lend itself to skipping sections.

However, the first four lessons constitute a very basic introduction to programming and use of MATLAB. Users with some experience with the language might want to start in the more advanced sections. The timings make the course more amenable to be taught in two half-days.


The notes on timings below are for an in-person course. Online courses tend to be faster pased, as there tends to be less interaction with the students.

  • 10 min for intro slides
  • 20 min for Working with variables + Logical operations
    • 20 min for challenge
  • 50 min for Arrays
    • 20 min for challenges
  • 15 min break
  • 25 min for Loading data
    • 10 min for challenges
  • 25 min for Plotting data
    • 10 min for challenges
  • 5 min closure

—————— Day Break ——————

  • 5 min intro
  • 50 min for Scripts & Conditionals
    • 15 min for challenges
  • 50 min for Functions
    • 15 min for challenges
  • 15 min break
  • 40 min for For loops
    • 15 min for challenges
  • 5 min closure

Technical tips and tricks

Make sure the font size is large enough:

Preferences > Fonts > Desktop code font
Preferences > Fonts > Desktop text font

On Windows, the default font doesn’t give a clear distinction between the letter l and the number 1. Consolas seems to be a reasonable choice in this regard.