Get most popular location for each activity, possibly with stratification.
- tus_dat
A data frame of the time use survey data. This is expected to be in the format saved by
.- col_nm
A character string: name of new column to create which will hold the most popular location for each activity (possibly by strata).
- missing_ids
An integer vector of the numeric id's which indicate missing locations.
- strata
An optional character vector containing names of stratification variables. If supplied, these are added to the activity and location variables to be used for grouping. Default: none.
The summarised time use survey data with 'most popular' location added and rows then filtered to include one line for each combination of strata and activity. If there are multiple locations matching the maximum proportion of time spent in each location by stratum and activity then the first location id will be chosen.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
tus_dat <- get_tus_dat()
missing_ids <- c(-9, 0, 10, 90)
strata <- c("sex", "agegr4", "nssec5", "daytype")
get_most_popular_locn(tus_dat, "most_popular_locn", missing_ids, strata)
} # }