Chapter 3

Producing plots

Plotting a “gapminder” graph

In order to avoid getting bogged down on the syntax of ggplot2, a function to produce a “gapminder” plot is provided in the workshopFunctions.R file, which we load at the start of our app (See 02_loaddata ). This uses ggplot2 to produce a graph, deals with setting fixed axes, consistent colours etc.

If you haven’t already, set R’s working directory to that of your app (setwd("~/myworkshop/gapminder)). Then manually execute the lines of code that load the libraries, data and code by selecting them and pressing Ctrl+Enter.

Having loaded the data, libraries and functions, we can produce a gapminder plot in R using the following code:

gapminder %>% 
  filter(year == 2000) %>% 

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-2


Add another filter to the example to only show countries that are in Europe and Africa


Click here

Further examples of using the plotting functions are given in the codeExamples.R file, which is in the course materials zip file.