Working With Variables

Last updated on 2023-12-04 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 50 minutes



  • How can I store values and do simple calculations with them?
  • Which type of operations can I do?


  • Navigate among important sections of the MATLAB environment.
  • Assign values to variables.
  • Identify what type of data is stored in a variable.
  • Creating simple arrays.
  • Be able to explore the values of saved variables.
  • Learn how to delete variables and keep things tidy.

Introduction to the MATLAB GUI

Before we can start programming, we need to know a little about the MATLAB interface. Using the default setup, the MATLAB desktop contains several important sections:

  • In the Command Window we can execute commands. Commands are typed after the prompt >> and are executed immediately after pressing Enter.
  • Alternatively, we can open the Editor, write our code and run it all at once. The advantage of this is that we can save our code and run it again in the same way at a later stage.
  • The Workspace contains all the variables which we have loaded into memory.
  • The Current Folder window shows files in the current directory. We can change the current folder using this window.
  • Search Documentation on the top right of your screen lets you search for functions. Suggestions for functions that will do what you want to do will pop up. Clicking on them will open the documentation. Another way to access the documentation is via the help command — we will return to this later.

Working with variables

In this lesson we will learn how to manipulate the inflammation dataset with MATLAB. But before we discuss how to deal with many data points, we will demonstrate how to store a single value on the computer.

We can create a new variable by assigning a value to it using =


>> x = 55


x =

Notice that MATLAB responded by printing an output confirming that the variable has the desired value, and also that the variable appeared in the workspace.

A variable is just a name for a piece of data or value. Variable names must begin with a letter, and are case sensitive. They can also contain numbers or underscores. Examples of valid variable names are weight, size3, patient_name or alive_on_day_3.

The reason we work with variables is so that we can reuse them, or save them for later use. We can also do operations with these variables. For example, we can do a simple sum:


>> y = 10
>> x + y


y =
ans =

Note that the answer was saved in a new variable called ans. This variable is temporary, and will be overwritten with any new operation we do. For example, if we now substract y from x we get:


>> x - y


ans =

The result of the sum is now gone forever. We can assign the result of an operation to a new variable, for example:


>> z = x * y


z =

This created a new variable z. If you look at the workspace, you can see that the value of z is 550.

We can even use a variable in an operation, and save the value in the same variable. For example:


>> y = y/5


y =

Here you can see that the expression to the right of the = sign is evaluated first, and the result is then assigned to the variable specified to the left of the = sign.

We can use multiple variables in a single operation, for example:


>> z = z - y^3 + 5*x


z =

where we used the caret symbol ^ to take the third power of y.

Logical operations

In programming, there is another type of operation that becomes very important: comparison. We can compare two numbers (or variables) to see which one is smaller, for example


>> mass = 20
>> age = 2.5
>> frac = mass/age
>> c1 = frac < 10


mass =
age =
frac =

c1 =

Something interesting just happened with the variable c1. If I ask you whether frac (8) is smaller than 10, you would say “yes”. Matlab answered with a logical 1. If I ask you whether frac is greater than 10, you would say “no”. Matlab answers with a logical 0.


>> c2 = frac > 10


c2 =

There are only two options (yes or no, true or false, 0 or 1), and so it is “cheaper” for the computer to save space only for those two options.

The “type” of this data is not the same as the “type” of data that represents a number. It comes from a logical comparison, and so MATLAB identifies it as such.

You can also see that in the workspace these variables have a tick next to them, instead of the squares we had seen. There are actually other symbols that appear there, relating to the different types of information we can save in variables (unfold the info below if you want to know more).

Data types

We mentioned above that we can get other symbols in the workspace which relate to the types of information we can save.

We know we can save numbers, and logical values, but we can also save letters or strings, for example. Numbers are by default saved as type double, which means they can store very big or very small numbers. Letters are type char, and words or sentences are strings. Logical values (or booleans) are values that mean true or false, and are represented with zero or one. They are usually the result of comparing things.


>> weight = 64.5
>> size3 = 'L'
>> patient_name = "Jane Doe"
>> alive_on_day_3 = true


weight =
size3 =
patient_name =
    "Jane Doe"
alive_on_day_3 =

Notice the single tick for character variables, in contrast with the double quote for strings.

If you look at the workspace, you’ll notice that the icon next to each variable is different, and if you hover over it, it will tell you the type of variable it is.

You can also check the “class” of the variable with the class function:


>> class(patient_name)


ans =

We can also check if two variables (or even operations) are the same


>> c3 = frac == mass/age


c3 =

We can also combine comparisons. For example, we can check whether frac is smaller than 10 and the age is greater than 5


>> c4 = frac < 10 && age > 5


c4 =

In this case, both conditions need to be met for the result to be “yes” (1).

If we want a “yes” as long as at least one of the conditions are met, we would ask if frac is smaller than 10 or the age is greater than 5


>> c5 = frac < 10 || age > 5


c5 =

Negating conditions and including the limits

We often asks questions or characterise things in negative. “We did not start late today.”, “I was not going faster than the speed limit officer!”, and “I didn’t shoot no deputy” are just some examples.

Naturally, we may want to do so in programming too. In MATLAB the negative is represented with ~. For example, we can check if the speed is indeed not faster than the limit with ~(speed > 70), which MATLAB reads as “not speed greater than 70”.

Can you express these questions in MATLAB code?

  • Is 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 not smaller than 10?
  • Is 5 to the power of 3 different from 125?
  • Is x + y greater or equal to x/y?
  • Is x + y not greater or equal to x/y?

We can ask the first two question in positive, encapsulate it in brackets, and then negate it:

  • ~(1 + 2 + 3 + 4 < 10)
  • ~(5^3 == 125)

Asking if two things are different is so common, that MATLAB has a special symbol for it. So the second question, we could have asked instead with

  • 5^3 ~= 125

We can ask if x+y is greater or equal to x/y with:

  • x+y > x/y || x+y == x/y

There is actually again a shortcut for this, MATLAB understands >= as “greater or equal to”, and of cours for smaller or equal too it understands <=. So the same condition could be written as:

  • x+y >= x/y

Asking if x + y is not greater or equal to x/y is the same question as above, but negated. Remembering to add the brackets, we get:

  • ~(x+y > x/y || x+y == x/y)
  • or ~(x+y >= x/y)


You may notice that all of the variable types start with a 1x1. This is because MATLAB thinks in terms of groups of variables called arrays, or matrices.

We can create an array using square brackets and separating each value with a comma:


>> A = [1, 2, 3]


A =
     1     2     3

If you now hover over the data type icon, you’ll find that it shows 1x3. This means that the array A has 1 row and 3 columns.

We can create matrices using semi-colons to separate rows:


>> B = [1, 2; 3, 4; 5, 6]


B =
     1     2
     3     4
     5     6

You’ll notice that B has three rows and two columns, which explains the 3x2 we get from the workspace.

We can also create arrays of other types of data. For example, we could create an array of names:


>> Names = ["John", "Abigail", "Bertrand", "Lucile"]


Names =
  1×4 string array
    "John"    "Abigail"    "Bertrand"    "Lucile"

We can use logical values too:


>> C = [true; false; false; true]


C =
  4×1 logical array

Something to bear in mind, however, is that all values in an array must be of the same type.

We mentioned before that MATLAB is actually more used to working with arrays than individual variables. Well, if it is so used to working with arrays, can we do operations with them?

The answer is yes! In fact, this is what makes MATLAB a particularly interesting programming language.

We can, for example, check the whole matrix B and look for values greater than, say, 3.


>> B > 3


ans =
  3×2 logical array
   0   0
   0   1
   1   1

MATLAB then compared each element of B and asked “is this element greater than 3?”. The result is another array, of the same size and dimensions as B, with the answers.

We can also do sums, multiplications, and pretty much anything we want with an array, but we need to be careful with what we do.

Despite this being so interesting and increadibly powerful, this course will focus more on basic programming concepts, and so we won’t use this feature very much. However, it is very important that you keep it in mind, and that you do ask questions about it during the break if you are interested.

Suppressing the output

In general, the output can be a bit redundant (or even annoying!), and it can make the code slower, so it is considered good form to suppress it. To suppress it, we add a semi-colon at the end of the line:


>> x = 33;

At first glance nothing appears to have happened, but the workspace shows the new value was assigned.

Printing a variable’s value

If we really want to print the variable, then we can simply type its name and hit Enter,


>> patient_name


patient_name =

    "Jane Doe"

or using the disp function.

Functions are pre-defined algorithms (chunks of code), that can be used multiple times. They usually take some “inputs” inside brackets, and either have an effect on something or output something.

The disp function, in particular, takes just one input – the variable that you want to print – and what it does is to print the variable in a nice way. For the variable patient_name, we would use it like this:


>> disp(patient_name)


Jane Doe

Note how the output is a bit different from what we got when we just typed the variable name. There is less indentation and less empty lines.

Keeping things tidy

We have declared a few variables now, and we might not be using all of them. If we want to delete a variable we can do so by typing clear and the name of the variable, e.g.:


>> clear alive_on_day_3

You might be able to see it disappear from the workspace. If you now try to use alive_on_day_3, MATLAB will give an error.

We can also delete all of our variables with the command clear, without any variable names following it. Be careful though, there’s no way back!

Another thing you might want to clear every once in a while is the output pane. To do that, we use the command clc.


>> clc

Again, be careful usig this command, there is no way back!

Key Points

  • Variables store data for future use. Their names must start with a letter, and can have underscores and numbers.
  • We can add, substract, multiply, divide and potentiate numbers.
  • We can also compare variables with <, >, ==, >=, <=, ~=, and use ~ to negate the result.
  • Combine logical operations with && (and) and || (or).
  • MATLAB stores data in arrays. The data in an array has to be of the same type.
  • You can supress output with ;, and print a variable with disp.
  • Use clear to delete variables, and clc to clear the console.