
  • “Algorithms can be used to detect disease in chest X-rays.”
  • “Variables store data for future use. Their names must start with a letter, and can have underscores and numbers.”
  • “We can add, substract, multiply, divide and potentiate numbers.”
  • “We can also compare variables with <, >, ==, >=, <=, ~=, and use ~ to negate the result.”
  • “MATLAB stores data in arrays. The data in an array has to be of the same type.”
  • “You can supress output with ;, and print a variable with disp.”
  • “Use clear to delete variables, and clc to clear the console.”


  • “In NumPy, RGB images are usually stored as 3-dimensional arrays.”
  • “Some functions to initialize matrices include zeros, ones, and rand. They all produce a square matrix if only one argument is given, but you can specify the dimensions you want separated by a comma.”
  • “To select data points we use M(rows, columns), where rows and columns are the indices of the elements we want. They can be just numbers or arrays of numbers.”
  • “We use the colon operator to select ranges of elements as start:end or start:increment:end.”
  • “We use the keyword end to get the index of the last element.”
  • “The colon operator by itself : selects all the elements.”

Data preparation

  • “Data augmentation can help to avoid overfitting.”

Neural networks

  • “Dense layers, also known as fully connected layers, are an important building block in most neural network architectures. In a dense layer, each neuron is connected to every neuron in the preceeding layer.”
  • “Dropout is a method that helps to prevent overfitting by temporarily removing neurons from the network.”
  • “The Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) is an activation function that outputs an input if it is positive, and outputs zero if it is not.”
  • “Convolutional neural networks are typically used for imaging tasks.”

Writing MATLAB Scripts

  • “Save MATLAB code in files with a .m suffix.”

Creating Functions

  • “Break programs up into short, single-purpose functions with meaningful names.”
  • “Define functions using the function keyword.”

Repeating With Loops

  • “Use for to create a loop that repeats one or more operations.”

Making Choices

  • “Use if and else to make choices based on values in your program.”